About us

We want to make sales training something reps crave. No fluff. Just results.

We were tired of seeing the majority of sales training go unused. All those hours of wasted time and lost potential. Everyone agrees that training, practice, and coaching should have a huge impact on a business, but this potential is often lost. We want to solve that.
We are on a MISSION

Learning shouldn't be a punishment.

We can’t learn without context, practice and coaching. If we don’t have that, we’re stuck with webinars and courses nobody wants to join.
At the heart of the problem is a lack of measurement, Do reps practice, learn and take new skills to the real-world? Does that in-turn change real KPIs?

What makes us different?

We practice what we preach an are always looking to improve

We don't believe in perfection but embrace the idea of never-ending improvement. As Simon Sinek would say, it's an Infinite Game.

2 things keep us focused:
How can we be better?
How can our customers do better?

We want opinions on everything we do

Nothing is left unsaid. We operate with radical transparency and encourage everybody that works with us to have an opinion on everything, even if they have zero domain expertise in that topic.
Perspectives matter, always
"No such thing as bad ideas"

We are solving a problem we care deeply about and understand well

The best work comes from being driven to solve something meaningful. We have lived the problems we solve for for over a decade and we expect that to show in our drive but also our messaging and product
Determined to solve this problem

You need to fire your software vendors – seriously! 

Just like you hire people to do a job, you also hire software. You get tools to solve specific needs, but typically have no simple way of knowing if they're doing their job (usage doesn't count). We are determined to change this and tie everything back to outcomes
Software sould do what you purchased it to do
You should know that, with ease
If it doesn't or you can't, fire your software

We are radically obsessed with helping our clients.

Yes, closing deals matters. Yes we need to make money. Yes we have a sales process and methodology. BUT none of that changes that our goal, above all others, is to help our clients.
If we're not helping, fire us
If we are helping, how can we help more
Team Members
Total funding
Businesses Helped

We are backed by top investors

Our investors predominantly focus on GTM Excellence and EdTech, perfectly complimenting our training and enablement focus.

We are a remote team with a mutual love for enablement

Founder & CEO
Full Stack Engineer
Founder & CTO
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Full Stack Engineer
Alpesh Kumar
Founders Associate

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